Home - Job Seeking Paying for physical therapy services may have an impact on the quality of service you receive.

 Physical therapy salaries have a variety of effects on both therapists and patients. How? Continue reading to learn how. But, before you do, keep in mind that there are some highly regarded and excellent home care physical therapists out there. Some, on the other hand, take advantage of the limited monitoring that home care can give for their employment. A few poor apples have made it difficult for those who deliver high-quality "gold."

The following information may assist you in determining when or why to contact your agency. Many patients believe that everything is "in their brains." Listen to your instincts... how physical therapists are compensated CAN effect your care.

Again, regardless of their physical therapy compensation, there are obviously some high-quality PTs out there who deliver the gold standard. Other physical therapists may require a gentle reminder that your care is deserving of excellence.

The amount of money you make as a physical therapist can influence the quality of care you receive... stand up and speak out against inadequate care.

Learn how each of these four compensation schemes can affect the quality of care you receive at home. For both the PT and the patient, each payment arrangement offers advantages and disadvantages.

Marcia Oliver MSPT, CPT is passionate about assisting you in regaining control of your health. With over 26 years of experience, Marcia can assist you with making the transition from rehab to home, developing healthy lifestyle choices, losing weight, or recuperating your total joint replacement. Her 16 years of home health care physical therapy experience and 10 years of personal training experience have helped her find solutions to a variety of problems.


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