Relieve Your Arthritis Pains with Physical Therapy Treatments

 Are you suffering from the aches, pains, and stiffness of arthritis? If so, you’re not alone. There are millions of people who live with arthritis, and it is no secret that it can limit your life. Fortunately, participating in regular physical therapy treatments can help manage your arthritis pain and reduce your symptoms. For more information on how our services can decrease or even eliminate your pain altogether, contact our office today!

What will I get out of a physical therapy program?

Physical therapy can improve your daily life by making it easier to live with arthritis. Just a few of the many ways this is accomplished is by:

  • Learning how to correctly use devices. A trained physical therapist can help you learn how to use orthotics, walkers, and any other assistive device correctly. This will help lessen the strain on joints when you move and ensure that you are using the devices safely.
  • Increasing your range of motion. A physical therapy program can help reduce stiffness by keeping both your muscles and ligaments loose. This will lessen your pain and improve your overall range of mobility.
  • Strengthening your muscles. When the muscles that surround and support your aching joints are stronger and more flexible, your arthritis pain will be much less severe. Physical therapy techniques can be used to increase strength, which in turn will relieve pain.

What exactly is physical therapy?

Unfortunately, there is not yet a known cure for arthritis. Physical therapy won’t reverse your arthritic condition, but it can help slow the process and decrease symptoms. Essentially, physical therapy can help you live more comfortably with your condition.

Your physical therapist will prescribe targeted exercises and stretches that will keep joints mobile and pain-free. He or she may also help you maintain healthy body weight as needed, in order to decrease unnecessary strain on your joints.

Physical therapy may also help you avoid taking excessive amounts of medication in order to reduce your pain. A physical therapist is trained to evaluate your condition and provide the correct exercises to meet your needs. A common physical therapy exercise for arthritis patients is aquatic therapy, as working out in water allows for a soothing and non-impact exercise.


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